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Elevate New Voices
Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at well-known ACM sponsored and co-sponsored conferences before a panel of judges and attendees.

Hear From Past Winners
Seeking inspiration for your research submission? Hear from past winners on the ACM SIGGRAPH Blog and SIGGRAPH Spotlight podcast.
Learn From the SIGGRAPH 2023 Student Research Competition Winners
Submit to Student Research Competition
ACM SIGGRAPH Student Research Competition Program Overview
First Round Competitions
The first round is usually referred to as the Poster Session. This is your opportunity to present your research in the areas specified in the SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters’ Call for Submissions. Judges will review the posters and speak to participants about their research; a group of semi-finalists will be chosen to present at the second round of the competition.
Second Round Competitions
Semi-finalists continue by giving a short presentation virtually of their research before a panel of judges, with a supporting powerpoint presentation. Evaluations are based on the presenter’s knowledge of his/her research area, contribution of the research, and the quality of the oral and visual presentation. Three winners will be chosen in each category, undergraduate and graduate (Masters or PhD program), receiving $500, $300, and $200, respectively.
The SRC Grand Finals
First place undergraduate and graduate (Masters or PhD program) student winners from the SRCs held during the year advance to the SRC Grand Finals. A different panel of judges evaluates these winners against each other via the web. Three undergraduates and three graduates will be chosen as the SRC Grand Finals winners.
Judges will include professional computer scientists attending the conference activities. Each student will be evaluated by a minimum of three faculty members, none of whom are affiliated with the student’s university.
How to Submit
To enter the 2024 ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), please Submit a Poster by Thursday, 25 April 2024 and check “yes” in the “Would you like to submit to the ACM Student Research Competition?” box on the submission form.
To be eligible for the ACM Student Research Competition:
- The submitted work must be largely the work of the submitter.
- The submitter must be enrolled in a university of college at the time of content entry.
- The submitter must have an active ACM student membership.
Log in to the submission portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, and then select the Posters submission form. To preview the information you need to submit, view the Sample Submission Form.
In particular, please note these fields:
- Abstract: Two-page limit. A paper that describes the work that will be presented in your poster.
- Submission categories and keywords: These help to assign appropriate jury members for review.
- Video (Optional): 30 second limit. This helps to demonstrate animation, simulation, interaction, or performance qualities, and is essential to the reviewers in such cases. Depending on on-site facility, this may also be included in a program reel displayed near the physical posters at the conference.
- Supplemental material (Optional): A zip file containing any other material to aid review.
- Note that the poster abstract needs to stand on its own, i.e. not depend on optional materials (e.g., video or supplemental materials) to be understood. Additional materials may be added to aid understanding or deeper insight, but the poster abstract is what will drive the decision.
Note: No poster is required at submission time. If your work is accepted, then we will provide further instructions closer to the conference for how to produce your poster.
English Review Service
Poster submissions may use the English Review Service and submit by 10 April 2024.
If the English Review Service does not complete their work by the Posters submission deadline, then there is no extension. The English Review Service makes no guarantee for service turnaround, and is administered separately from the conference program. For the best chance of having your submission reviewed by the English Review Service on time, please make sure it is submitted and marked “complete” in the submission system at least 14 days before the submission deadline.
Poster Submission
For 2024, we will use vertical format posters. Your printed poster should be no more than 3.5 feet wide x 4 feet long (~1 meter wide x 1.2 meters long).
When planning your poster layout and content, we recommend that you avoid making it too dense and detailed. Bear in mind that during large poster sessions there is rarely enough time for attendees to read all of the information pertaining to the work described in a poster; posters should then maximize the amount of insight for attendees that may have only very little time to devote to a single poster. Your design should make it easy for a casual passer-by to extract the core message from a quick glance, and only provide detailed information on the side or as a weblink for interested parties.
Example Submissions
Please find examples of poster abstracts in the ACM Digital Library in the Posters sections of past SIGGRAPH Proceedings.