Beyond Words

Art Gallery

At the heart of human culture lies the very essence of language. The Art Gallery takes a captivating journey into the evolution of language technology in creative expression and the broader societal dialogues. How can you actively participate in these conversations?

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Best in Show

Congratulations to “Rage Against the Archive” (Anshul Roy), the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Gallery Best in Show selection!

About Rage Against the Archive

“Rage Against the Archive” is an experimental browser-based video that critically probes how the New York Public Library’s website catalogs and displays dehumanizing ethnographic photos from the 19th-century colonial-era publication “The People of India,” questioning capitalism’s infusion with the archival process, and documents the “hacking” methodology used to insert different texts using HTML in a symbolic act of Electronic Civil Disobedience.

Watch a SIGGRAPH Now webinar recording featuring Best in Show award winner Anshul Roy.

Beyond Words: Transcending Language

At the heart of human culture, language stands as a profound system of communication, facilitating the exchange of information, the art of storytelling, the expression of thoughts, and the preservation of our collective knowledge. The harnessing of human language on an unprecedented scale is epitomized by Large Language Models (LLMs), a technological advancement that not only signifies a significant leap in AI capabilities but also a deeper integration of machines into our linguistic, visual, and cultural milieu.

As we witness this intersection of human language and cutting-edge technology, it becomes imperative to reexamine the dynamic interplay between language, art, and technology. Our objective is to explore how this process of reconsideration can influence both artistic creation and broader societal dialogues with a central focus on the expansive realm of language, transcending verbal boundaries to encompass visual, symbolic, and diverse forms of expression.

While LLMs hold great promise, we are compelled to address the biases and inequalities they may amplify, as well as the virtues they may enhance. In our pursuit of constructing new worlds, truths, and narratives through language and its translation into various media, we must confront essential questions. Whose worlds and whose power are overlooked in the process of creating new possibilities? How can we rebuild connections between language, art, and technology to foster inclusivity, equity, openness, justice, unity, and sustainability? What uncharted opportunities—whether expressive or socio-political—await us within these connections?

From the ancient practice of smoke signals to the intricacies of computer code, the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Gallery takes a comprehensive approach to the concept of language that extends beyond verbal communication alone. We define language as any structured and symbolic system used to convey meaning, encompassing words, signs, symbols, images, and other non-verbal cues. With this perspective in mind, we invite artists whose work spans the realms of art, design, technology, and research to contribute to this crucial exploration with their creative practices.

Şölen Kiratli
SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Gallery Co-Chair

Mohumagadi Moruti
SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Gallery Co-Chair

How To Submit

Building a desirable future through computer graphics and interactive techniques starts with you and your contributions to and participation in SIGGRAPH 2024. We are excited that you are submitting your work for consideration.

Log into the submission portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, and select the Art Gallery form. To see the information you need to submit, view the sample submission form.

With your submission, please be aware of these fields:

  • Title of Art Gallery Submission.
  • Artist information. Full names of artist. (Please note: Each artist must be identified with their full name, affiliation, and a unique email address. Duplicate email addresses within a submission are not allowed.)
  • A 100-word summary statement of your project that we can use in promotional materials if your work is accepted and a 500 word extended summary.
  • Representative image (jpeg) for the website. If applicable, you can also provide up to 5 additional images of your work for jury purposes.
  • Space needs: Size, estimated weight of the installation, preferred space (height x width x depth), lighting requirements/emission, sound requirements/emission
  • Technical information: Networking needs, setup time, and procedures (please include any special installation requirements)
  • Exhibition Logistics plan. This should include size, space, lighting requirements, and environmental requirements to display your work on-site. It is important to label the plan with dimensions, and you may use whichever unit of length you are comfortable with (meters or feet). This plan should also include any handling concerns and diagrams for space utilization. If in doubt, no detail is too small to include here for conference planners.
  • For interactive artwork, please provide a video (mp4, mov, mpg, or avi of 3 minutes or less). Make sure that the video submitted represents the entirety of your experience.
  • Website and URL for conference publicity and media/participant inquiries.

For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see the “Uploading Files” tab in the Submissions FAQ.

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Each submission will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Firmness of the conceptual framework
  • Technical and visual presentation
  • Technological objective
  • Creative use of media
  • Inherent research and quality
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Upon Acceptance

  1. Artists will receive acceptance and rejection notices via email at the early May 2024. Artists will also receive an email from “” with a link to your work’s rights permission form within 72 hours of notification of acceptance of your work to the conference. Your representative image and text may be used for promotional purposes. You may grant or deny us the ability to use the representative image for these purposes on the ACM Rights Management form.
  2. Complete Stage 2: Program Materials by Thursday, 9 May 2024, which includes:
    • Provide the name and email of the artist to receive and distribute the contributor registration code.
    • Review your submission to confirm or update the list of artist(s), affiliation(s), and 100-word summary statement suitable for conference publicity.
    • Provide a valid ORCID identifier — ACM requires that all accepted contributors register and provide ACM with valid ORCID identifiers prior to publication. Corresponding contributors are responsible for collecting these ORCID identifiers from co-contributors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process. You and your co-contributors can create and register your ORCID identifier at ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site.
    • Expand upon your technical requirements: audio visual and computer rental, lighting and rigging requirements, networking/data service, electrical and decorating furniture needs.
  3. Publication
    Work presented in this exhibition will be published online in archival format in a special section of the ACM Digital Library, along with other accepted materials from other programs featured at SIGGRAPH 2024. Information included in the catalog: A description of the artwork (around 500 words), the bio of the artist(s) (150-300 words), and 2-3 images of the work that is suitable for digital publication. Please plan to be available for communications during the first two weeks of April. All work selected for the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Gallery also will be documented on the SIGGRAPH 2024 website.
  4. In-Person Experience – Installation
    • Installation must be provided for the in-person conference. Artist attendance at the in-person conference is highly encouraged.
    • You must submit exhibition-ready work.
    • Prints must be framed and ready to hang; three-dimensional works must be assembled and ready for display; installation works must be complete with detailed set-up instructions and diagrams; etc.What’s Provided by SIGGRAPH for Your Art Gallery Space SIGGRAPH strives to support accepted contributors and artists with the display of installations at the conference. At a base level, SIGGRAPH will provide:
      • 3-Sided Hard walls
      • 6’L x 30” H black skirted table
      • (2) Chairs
      • Wastebasket
      • (1) 20 AMP Outlet

      SIGGRAPH and accepted contributors will work together to determine the exact needs of each work. SIGGRAPH will try to cover expenses for some additional setup needs, however, for specialized equipment, technology, furnishings, carpeting, or rigging, contributors may need to rent items at a cost.

      Accepted artists are responsible for the coordination and expense associated with bringing or shipping their work to SIGGRAPH 2024 in Denver. Artists also are responsible for return shipping after the conference.

      Experience Presentation
      Accepted artists have the option to participate in a panel with other artists.

      Presenter Recognition
      Contributor Registration Benefit: Up to two contributors per accepted piece receive a 100% complimentary Full Conference registration.

      To attend the Art Gallery program, artists must be registered at the Experience registration level and above.

      You will receive an email by early June explaining how to access the registration discount code as well as instructions for registering. The artist using the discount code is eligible for the early-bird registration rate regardless of when registration is completed. Any additional artists who will be attending the Art Gallery program are required to register at the appropriate registration level for the program, and prevailing registration rates will apply.

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All deadlines are 22:00 UTC/GMT unless otherwise noted.

30 January 2024
Submission form deadline

Early May 2024
Acceptance or rejection notices are sent to all submitters

9 May 2024
Deadline to make any changes to your submission (i.e., approved title changes, artist names, summary statement) for publication on the website.

26 July 2024
Official publication date for the ACM Digital Library

Please Note: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

26-27 July 2024
Setup of installation

28 July–1 August 2024
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado

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Hero photo by Vib Soundrarajah © 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH, of “Calligraphy Experience System That Conveys the Relationship Between Kanji and Nature” by Kei Kobayashi and Kazuma Nagata