Save the date for SIGGRAPH 2025, 10–14 August in Vancouver!
Ambient Art Culture
Art Papers
As we enter the next 50 years of SIGGRAPH, how do we come to terms with contemporary media culture across diverse fields of practice? SIGGRAPH Art Papers is the premier venue to publish critical findings.

Papers Fast Forward is sponsored by Adobe.
Best Art Papers Award
Congratulations to “Critical Climate Machine: A Visual and Musical Exploration of Climate Misinformation Through Machine Learning” (Gaëtan Robillard and Jérôme Nika), the Best Art Paper!
About “Critical Climate Machine: A Visual and Musical Exploration of Climate Misinformation Through Machine Learning”
Pioneering new ways to engage with art, technology, and society, Critical Climate Machine directly addresses current misinformation issues. It seeks to mitigate its effects by mediating accurate scientific content, combining machine learning strategies. In this paper, we aim to critically examine the role of such technologies in creating aesthetic experiences that resonate within scientific discourse and public debate.
Ambient Like The Weather
How do we come to terms with contemporary media art culture that consists of varied practices ranging from craft to design to installation, software, hardware, choreography, mixed-media, and more? What current trajectories exist now that algorithmic processes, decades in the making, have finally advanced so much that they can generate usable code, graphics, and sounds from spoken or written prompts? What new methods or questions are needed as we leave visual space and return to acoustic space where orality, ambience, and overlapping and touchless media reign? How do we define and navigate the intersectional suprastructure that allows certain media practices to flourish while others are starved or co-opted? How do we process the entirety of this networked sphere of media intercourse under real planetary constraints? The SIGGRAPH Art Papers track is the premier place to publish critical findings within these diverse fields of art practices where they converge on screen, through interactive methods, within digital, mechanical, or biological interfaces.
Accepted papers will be published in The Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques: PACMCGIT.
Please join us in the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Papers in Denver.
August Black
SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Papers Chair
How To Submit
Building a desirable future through computer graphics and interactive techniques starts with you and your contributions to and participation in SIGGRAPH 2024. We are excited that you are submitting your work for consideration.
Submission steps:
Log into the submission portal, select “Make a New Submission” tab, and select “Art Paper — Long” or “Art Paper — Short.” To see the information you need to submit, view the sample form:
Art Paper — Long: Click Here
Art Paper —Short: Click Here
Art Paper Categories
Prospective authors may consider one of the following categories as they prepare their work for submission.
- Projects and case studies
Papers in this category rigorously document a realized project that combines computer graphics and interactive techniques with creative practice. They also critically explore its social, cultural, and affective impact. - Methodological contributions
Papers in this category identify, document, and explore emergent methodological approaches that open new pathways to the practice and scholarship of computational art and design as well as art-engineering collaboration. - History, theory, and criticism
Papers in this category offer new historical, theoretical, and critical perspectives on computational art and design and on the technical artifacts, infrastructures, and communities that support them. - Innovation through art practices
Papers in this category explore, through artistic practice including design research, the potential use of emerging digital technologies and their impact for users and citizens. They may also express a transdisciplinary work between digital engineering and art practices to develop solutions that confront the major challenges of our times.
English Review Service
Non-native English speakers may opt to use the English Review Service to help improve the text of submissions. Please note this process takes time. For the best chance of having your submission reviewed by the English Review Service, please ensure that you complete your submission at least 14 days before the deadline.
Submissions Guidelines
Please read the ACM Submission Guidelines carefully, and prepare your submission following the Microsoft Word Template or LateX Template.
Submissions must be performed by uploading your full text formatted in the given template. We also ask you to add a very short text explaining why your artwork is important for the whole SIGGRAPH community, in a large sense, from raising critical issues to opening perspectives or generating solutions. In doing so, we aim to enhance the impact of your cultural contributions.
Long and Short Papers
Authors may submit a long or a short paper to this program. Accepted papers will be published in The Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques: PACMCGIT and archived in the ACM Digital Library. The differences between the two submission formats is below:
Beyond the difference in length, long papers will favor full academic practices to generate original knowledge, for instance, through an extensive literature review, argumentation, and observations or evaluations of the human impact through validated protocols.
Long Papers
Word Count Maximum: 3,500
Figure Count Maximum: 10 images
In-Person Presentation: 10 minutes
20-second Pre-Recorded Art Papers Fast Forward Video
Why It Matters, short text, Word Count Maximum: 100 words
Short Papers
Word Count Maximum: 2,500
Figure Count Maximum: 5 images
In-Person Presentation: 10 minutes
20-second Pre-Recorded Art Papers Fast Forward Video
Why It Matters, short text, Word Count Maximum: 100 words
For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see the “Uploading Files” section of the Art Papers Submissions FAQ.
We use the ACM Article Template for all submissions.
To prepare your paper for submission, please use the single column format using the provided Word or LaTeX templates. Therefore, the correct template for submission is: single column Word Submission Template and single column LaTeX (using the “manuscript,review,anonymous” style available in the template). Please use the “author year” citation and reference format.
When generating the PDF file, please make sure that the fonts are embedded in the PDF file. This will ensure that reviewers can view the paper without problems. Reviewers will review your paper in the single column format.
Before submitting, authors must ensure that:
- All pages are numbered and contain the paper’s ID number in the page footer. Authors will receive their paper’s ID number after completing the online submission form and before finalizing their paper.
- The paper is fully anonymized, i.e., it does not contain any information that would identify the authors, including their names and those of their institutions, laboratories, and research groups, as well as any of their bibliographic references. See detailed anonymity guidelines below.
Once a paper is fully accepted, authors will receive specific formatting instructions for the final, de-anonymized version.
All figures and tables should be submitted in the Supplementary Materials section.
Authors can provide up to four optional supplementary materials to accompany the paper. Multimedia content may include videos, code, and audio files, as well as additional images and/or other supplemental text files (up to 100 MB each). Each file must be accompanied with a title, 50-word description, and caption (including any credits and copyright information). We strongly encourage MP4 video files.
All complete submissions received by the deadline will be acknowledged by email. For this purpose, a submission is complete if a paper ID has been assigned and an anonymized file of the paper, 50-word description, and representative image have been successfully uploaded. Complete submissions will be reviewed unless they are withdrawn by the author. For additional information about the Art Papers submission and review process, please refer to the Art Papers Submissions FAQ below.
Anonymity Guidelines
The Art Papers program requires that all submitted papers are fully anonymized.
Please remove author and institution information from the author list on the title page, remove author information from all paper headers, and remove from the text any clues that would directly identify any of the authors. Please anonymize your submission file. Please note that PDF creator programs may automatically include author information in the file metadata.
Citations of your own published work (including online) must be in the third person, in a manner that is not traceable to the identity of the authors. For example, the wording “in [3], Mountain and River have proposed…” is acceptable, whereas “in [3], we have proposed…” is not. (Where reference [3] is listed explicitly as “Mountain, A. and River, A., Detecting Mountains and Rivers, In Proc. XYZ ’16, 721-741.”)
Please refrain from mentioning the name of your institution in the study approval statement. For example, do not say “Our study was approved by the IRB board at the University of Excellence” as that reveals your university’s name.
You must not include an “acknowledgements” section in the submission. If your Art Paper is accepted, you will submit a revised version that identifies you and your co-authors, your affiliations, and any appropriate acknowledgements.
The Art Papers Jury will evaluate papers using the following criteria:
- The paper makes a significant contribution to the literature on digital and computational arts and design, particularly as it relates to computer graphics and interactive techniques.
- The paper is methodologically sound and its claims are adequately supported in the field’s literature and previous works.
- Supporting media are of high quality and reinforce the paper’s claims.
- Clear thesis and compelling exposition.
Each paper will be distributed to at least three experts for review. However, if the jury determines that a submission has been previously published or is off topic, incomplete, does not meet or exceed the word count guidelines, or otherwise unsuitable for publication, the submission will be rejected without external review.
Once reviews are complete, the committee will meet to deliberate the final outcome of each paper at the Art Papers Jury meeting. If there is not a clear consensus among the original reviewers, additional reviews will be solicited.
Following the Art Papers Jury meeting at the mid-March 2024, authors will receive an email with a decision regarding their paper, as well as the reviews. At this stage, papers are either rejected or conditionally accepted.
Please note that submissions will be administratively rejected without review if it is found that:
- The submission violates the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
- Word count exceeds the maximum word count.
- The submission is a dual submission. That is, if the submission is simultaneously under review for any other conference or publication. For more details, see the Work Submitted Elsewhere section of the Art Papers Submissions FAQ.
- Electronic files have been submitted that have been designed to have side effects other than presenting the submitted work to reviewers and committee members (for example, a “phone home” script).
- The paper contains material for which the submitters have not secured the necessary copyrights.
- The work has been previously published, as previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the1 same work be submitted to any other conference or journal during the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Papers review period.
Upon Conditional Acceptance
A member of the Art Papers Jury is chosen as a “shepherd” for each conditionally accepted paper. Their role is to summarize and convey to each author the issues raised by reviewers, which would need to be addressed in order for the paper to be fully accepted. A revision period starts during which shepherds are available to address authors’ questions.
After the revision period, authors submit a new version of the paper which undergoes a second review. During this review, shepherds verify that the authors have addressed the issues raised by reviewers and make a final decision about the paper’s acceptance or rejection. In addition to addressing the issues raised in the review, authors must ensure that their paper and any supporting materials are correctly uploaded by the corresponding due date.
Authors may expect to receive the final decision about their paper by late April 2024.
Upon Final Acceptance
Authors of accepted papers must submit a final, de-anonymized version of their paper and update their contact information on the system by the corresponding due dates. In addition, they are required to submit a 20-second Fast Forward video of their papers, a representative image and text, and the ACM Rights Management Form.
Authors are also required to register and provide ACM with a valid ORCID ID prior to paper publication. See details below:
Art Papers Fast Forward Video
Fast Forward Videos are 20-second clips summarizing the paper and enticing conference participants to attend the Art Papers presentation. Further guidance regarding the video specs will be provided upon acceptance. For details about the video and paper submission schedule, see the Timeline tab.
Representative Image and Text
Your representative image and text may be used for promotional purposes. Several SIGGRAPH 2024 programs — including Art Gallery, Art Papers, Real-Time Live!, Technical Papers, and all installation programs — will prepare preview videos for pre-conference promotion of accepted content, which may include a portion of the video you submitted for review. You may grant or deny us the ability to use the representative image and submitted video for these purposes.
Orcid Mandate
ACM requires that all accepted journal authors register and provide ACM with valid ORCIDs prior to paper publication. Corresponding authors are responsible for collecting these ORCIDs from co-authors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process.
You and your co-authors can create and register your ORCIDs at ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site.
ACM Rights Management Form
Authors of accepted Art Papers must complete the ACM Rights Management Form. Authors will receive an email from “” with a link to your work’s rights permission form within 72 hours of notification of acceptance of your work to the conference.
Presenter Recognition
Art Papers (Long and Short)
One contributor per accepted paper
Contributor Registration Benefit: 25% discount off Experience registration and above
Registration level needed to attend this program: Experience registration and above
At least one author of each paper must be present at the conference in Denver in order for the paper to be part of the SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Papers program. Presenting authors must be registered at the Experience registration level or above.
You will receive an email by early June explaining how to access the registration discount code as well as instructions for registering. The author using the discount code is eligible for the early-bird registration rate regardless of when registration is completed. Any additional author that will be presenting the Art Paper are required to register at the appropriate registration level for the program and prevailing registration rates will apply.
At The Conference
In-Person Presentation
Authors of accepted Art Papers will present in-person at SIGGRAPH 2024 in Denver during one of the Art Papers sessions. The Art Papers session will be livestreamed to virtual conference participants (with contributors’ permission).
Each 90-minute session will proceed as follows:
- Authors make a 8-10-minute presentation of their paper; (4 authors per session)
- The session chair moderates a panel conversation and Q&A with the authors (20 min.);
- Each author engages conversationally with participants in a poster session where they will have the opportunity to interact with attendees in a more intimate setting (20 min.).
Authors should only present accepted, jury-reviewed Art Papers content. Presenting new content is not allowed.
Contributors should plan to present from their own personal laptops. SIGGRAPH will provide adapters needed to connect personal computers to the session projector.
All deadlines are 22:00 UTC/GMT unless otherwise noted.
12 January 2024
Submission deadline for Long Art Papers and Short Art Papers.
(Note: All Art Papers submissions must be anonymized.)
14 March 2024
Authors are notified about Round 1 results by email (conditional acceptance or rejection). Revision period for conditionally accepted papers starts.
22 April 2024
Submission deadline for revised papers. Revision period ends.
Late April 2024
Authors are notified about the revision results (acceptance or rejection).
6 May 2024
Final, de-anonymized paper submission deadline.
25 June 2024
Deadline to submit the 20-second Art Papers Fast Forward video.
14 July 2024
Official publication date for the PACMCGIT Special issue on SIGGRAPH 2024 Art Papers.
Please Note: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
28 July–1 August 2024
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado
Hero photo by Vib Soundrarajah © 2023 ACM SIGGRAPH, of “The Reminiscence — The Monologues of Being Seen” by Sangyoon Lee, Andrea Baldwin, Heidi Henderson