Save the date for SIGGRAPH 2025, 10–14 August in Vancouver!
Explore New Tech
Emerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies highlights cutting-edge developments in graphics and interaction. From innovative approaches to display, capture, and interaction to exploring new technologies in robotics, machine learning, augmented reality, entertainment, and the arts, where will new tech take us next?

Emerging Technologies Awards
Best in Show
Congratulations to “A Live Demo of Single-photon Imaging and Applications” (Sacha Jungerman, Varun Sundar, Mohit Gupta), recipient of the SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies Best in Show Award!
About A Live Demo of Single-photon Imaging and Applications
Single-photon sensors are a rapidly evolving imaging technology featuring the unique ability of sensing light at its finest possible granularity, viz., at the photon level. Our demo will exhibit several exciting capabilities of single-photon sensors, which is made possible by an interplay of novel algorithms and recently developed, large-format sensor arrays.
Audience Award
Congratulations to “The Malleable-Self Experience: Transforming Body Image by Integrating Visual and Whole-body Haptic Stimuli” (Tanner Person, Nobuhisa Hanamitsu, Danny Hynds, Sohei Wakisaka, Kota Isobe, Leonard Mochizuki, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Kouta Minamizawa), recipient of the SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies Audience Award.
About The Malleable-Self Experience: Transforming Body Image by Integrating Visual and Whole-body Haptic Stimuli
The Malleable-Self Experience seamlessly integrates VR visuals and Synesthesia X1 whole-body haptic sensations to induce a malleable perception of one’s body image. We use integrated visuo-haptic compositions in a particular sequence of steps to establish and maintain body ownership of a virtual body as it dramatically changes shape and form.
DCAJ Award
Congratulations to “Project Starline: A High-fidelity Telepresence System” (Jason Lawrence, Ryan Overbeck, Todd Prives, Tommy Fortes, Nikki Roth, Brett Newman), recipient of the SIGGRAPH 2024 DCAJ Award!
About Project Starline: A High-fidelity Telepresence System
Project Starline is the first photorealistic telepresence system that demonstrably outperforms 2D videoconferencing systems, as measured by participant ratings, meeting recall, and non-verbal behaviors [Lawrence et al.2021]. Our prototype communication endstations combine state-of-the-art real-time facial landmark tracking, view synthesis, spatial audio capture and rendering, multi-stream compression, and a high-resolution auto-stereoscopic display to produce a strong and natural sense of co-presence between two meeting participants that is not possible with traditional videoconferencing systems. This Emerging Technologies exhibit will give conference attendees the chance to experience this transformative technology for themselves.
Laval Virtual Award
Congratulations to “FEELTECH Wear: Enhancing Mixed Reality Experience With Wrist to Finger Haptic Attribution” (Rodan Umehara, Harunobu Taguchi, Arata Horie, Yusuke Kamiyama, Shin Sakamoto, Hironori Ishikawa, Kouta Minamizawa), recipient of the SIGGRAPH 2024 Laval Virtual Award!
About FEELTECH Wear: Enhancing Mixed Reality Experience With Wrist to Finger Haptic Attribution
FEELTECH Wear is a system that supports hand interactions with both virtual and real objects, allowing for seamless execution of each interaction. The hand-mounted device is equipped with four channels of rotational skin-stretch tactors at the wrist and vibration tactors at the thumb and index finger on each hand.
Submit To Emerging Technologies
The SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies program will present innovations in graphics and interaction, showcasing projects that highlight new possibilities and enable new experiences. We welcome submissions that demonstrate creative methods and/or unexpected approaches with the potential for lasting impact.
Emerging Technologies may include:
- Haptic interaction and tactile sensing technologies
- Tangible interfaces
- Wearable technologies
- Display technologies
- Immersive technologies and 3DUIs
- Entertainment technologies and game interfaces
- Computer vision and generative AI
- Robotics
- Human enhancement technologies
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Technical HCI projects
In addition to these specific areas, we are open to any submissions featuring surprising, engaging, and innovative approaches that will be of interest to members of the technical and creative SIGGRAPH communities. We are also soliciting panel discussions on contemporary topics related to Emerging Technologies.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
SIGGRAPH prioritizes conversations and industry contributions that spotlight how diversity, equity, and inclusion makes our communities, industries, and teams stronger. Conference programs provide a safe place to grow, discuss, and learn from one another and to bridge boundaries with the goal of making our community more inclusive and accessible to all. SIGGRAPH encourages submissions that spotlight DEI content across every SIGGRAPH program.
Angus Forbes
SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies Chair
How To Submit
Building a desirable future through computer graphics and interactive techniques starts with you and your contributions to and participation in SIGGRAPH 2024. We are excited that you are submitting your work for consideration.
Log into the submission portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, select ”General Submissions,” and then select “Emerging Technologies” under “Presentation Formats.” To see the information you need to submit, view the sample submission form.
Please note that all Emerging Technologies, Immersive Pavilion, and Labs presentations will be juried together, and the jury makes a final determination in which program the submission best fits.
With your submission, please be aware of these fields:
- Contributor information. Full names of primary content creators/presenters. (Please note: Each contributor must be identified with their full name, affiliation, and a unique email address. Duplicate email addresses within a submission are not allowed.)
- Title, a 50-word description of your submission that we can use in promotional materials if your work is accepted.
- Representative image. (.jpg, .jpeg, .png) that illustrates an important aspect of your submission. See Representative Image Guidelines. You may supply up to six images if they will help clarify your submission.
- Abstract. This is a document that both describes your project’s innovation and outlines what SIGGRAPH 2024 participants will experience. A good abstract serves as an overview of your submission, provides background information, describes the problem (if any) and proposed solution, discusses prior work, and highlights the novelty of your submission.The document you submit for review should be a single column PDF, which can be prepared in Microsoft Word or LaTeX – we recommend the use of LaTeX, and the “manuscript” parameter to the \documentclass will prepare the PDF as a one-column document: \documentclass[manuscript]{acmart} If you are using Microsoft Word to prepare your submission, print the document to a PDF fileThis “submitted for review” PDF may be more than two pages in length.If accepted for presentation, the final PDF version of your documentation must be no more than two pages in length, including references, and will be generated in TAPS from your Microsoft Word or LaTeX source material.Abstracts should include authors’ names and affiliations, as the review process is “single blind.”
- A floor plan. This should include size, space, and environmental requirements to display your work on-site. Please indicate where you would like to place tables, chairs, your installation space, lighting requirements, and any equipment that needs to be suspended above the floor. It is important that you label your plan with dimensions, and you may use whichever unit of length you are comfortable with (meters or feet). SIGGRAPH 2024 will provide some standardized support and services for your demonstration, and will connect you to the appropriate vendors to include tools and support beyond the standardized offerings. The contributors are responsible for bringing the hardware needed for the experience demonstration.
- A logistics plan. This plan further describes requirements for your proposed installation. Important details must include unique staging and handling concerns, time required to set up, diagrams for space utilization (including any overhead requirements, such as clearances or hanging suspensions), number of people required to set up and/or present, dependence on radio/wireless control elements, or any other aspects of your demo. If in doubt, no detail is too small to include here for conference planners. Remember: If your proposal is accepted, your installation must be presented for the duration of the conference (five days, all day), so please ensure you include chairs for each presenter in your group in the space layout.
- Representative video. Each submission should include a polished video that explains the significance of your submission in a concise manner. See the Evaluation tab for details about how to make a compelling video. Videos must be uploaded at 720 p (1280 × 720), and we strongly recommend a MP4 video file and should not exceed 200 MB. The maximum duration is three minutes. Please take time to light and shoot your video as carefully as possible. We might use excerpts of it in an Emerging Technologies preview video trailer, which will be shared on social media and websites to promote the conference programs and individual exhibits.
Other important submission information:
- Non-native English speakers are highly encouraged to use the English Review Service to improve the text of submissions. Please note this process takes time. For the best chance of having your submission reviewed by the English Review Service, please ensure that you complete your submission at least 14 days before the deadline.
- For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see the Submission FAQ.
- Educator’s Resources Submission: Those submitting content to a SIGGRAPH conference can indicate interest in donating materials of value to the education community. Learn more.
After your work is submitted, it is reviewed by a jury of experts from diverse backgrounds. Each looks at the four criteria (concept; novelty; interest; quality, craft, and completeness) elaborated upon below, and reviews independently, before meeting to discuss their evaluations and make recommendations to the final selection committee.
The summary text most likely will be the jury’s introduction to your work, followed by the representative video. Initial interest will come from a compelling demonstration. Jurors have this in mind as they evaluate the work and watch your video, so it should show how you plan to demonstrate the technology. Jurors also will read your two-page abstract for additional details, including how your project is different from and extends beyond previous work and details how you’ve achieved your goals. Any questions not fully answered by the video should be addressed with your written materials and representative images.
How exceptional are the ideas, problems, solutions, aesthetics, etc., presented in this submission? How coherently does the submission convey its overall concept? Is the concept similar to existing ones, or does it stand out? This criterion is particularly applicable to submissions that combine existing technologies into a single product. Submissions of this type, where the individual technologies are not necessarily new but their combination is, are evaluated on both the final product and how well-proposed technologies integrate to meet the desired goals. Many submissions in this area are rejected because they do what existing systems do, and they do not demonstrate that the proposed approach leads to better results.
How new and fresh is this work? Has this work been previously published and/or publicly demonstrated? Is it a new, groundbreaking approach to an old problem, or is it an existing approach with a new twist? You must first demonstrate to the jury that your work is sufficiently different from existing approaches. Second, you should evaluate your work in the context of other approaches where appropriate. Is it faster? Easier to use? Does it give better results? Is it more accurate? Many submissions are rejected either because the work is too similar to existing work or because the submission materials did not convince the jury that the improvements were substantial enough.
Will conference participants want to see this? Will it inspire them? Are the results or approach appealing to a broad audience? This is partly a measure of how broad the potential audience is and the overall clarity and novelty of the submission. A submission in a very niche area is more likely to be accepted if the results are exceptionally better than what exists already or if the proposed solution might be applicable to other areas. Suggesting additional applications of your technology potentially may widen participant interest. Finally, the more interesting your actual hands-on demonstration is, the more excited participants will be to see your work. Be clear about how you want to show your work.
Quality, Craft, and Completeness
This is a measure of how well written the submission is and the quality of the supporting materials. The submission must effectively communicate both the problem and the solution in enough detail and clarity that the jury can evaluate it. You also must convince the jury that your solution works. Many submissions were rejected because, although the problem and solution seemed interesting, the materials did not convince the jury that the solution actually had been implemented and evaluated. Some are rejected because the jury is left guessing when the submission includes unanswered questions, gaps in research, insufficient explanations, or does not demonstrate convincing results.
Non-Disclosure Agreements
SIGGRAPH reviewers cannot sign non-disclosure agreements for submissions. For information on patents and confidentiality, see the Submission FAQ.
Upon Acceptance
- Contributors will receive acceptance or rejection notices via email early May 2024. If your Emerging Technologies installation is accepted you will also receive an email from “” with a link to your ACM Rights Management form within 72 hours of notification of acceptance of your work to the conference.Your representative image and text may be used for promotional purposes. Several SIGGRAPH 2024 programs — Art Gallery, Art Papers, Real-Time Live!, Technical Papers, and all installation programs — will prepare preview videos for pre-conference promotion of accepted content, which may include a portion of the video you submitted for review. You may grant or deny us the ability to use the representative image and submitted video for these purposes.
- Complete Stage 2: Program Materials by Friday, 10 May 2024, which includes:
- Provide the name and email of the contributor to receive and distribute the contributor registration codes.
- Review your submission to confirm or update the list of contributor(s), affiliation(s), and 50-word summary statement suitable for conference publicity.
- Update your auxiliary images and video (required).
- Provide a valid ORCID identifier — ACM requires that all accepted contributors register and provide ACM with valid ORCID identifiers prior to publication. Corresponding contributors are responsible for collecting these ORCID identifiers from co-contributors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process.You and your co-contributors can create and register your ORCID identifier at ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site.
- PublicationIf your submission is accepted, you must prepare and submit a revised abstract for inclusion in the ACM Digital Library (two pages maximum). This two-page abstract must be submitted by Friday, 17 May 2024. Please prepare your abstract using these templates and instructions. When your rights form has been delivered to ACM, you will then receive an email from “” with information about the preparation and delivery of your material to TAPS for publication.Please make sure that emails from “” and “” are part of the “allow list” in your email program so that you do not miss these email messages.The source (Word or LaTeX) of your abstract, as well as any supplemental materials, must be delivered to TAPS, ACM’s article production system. TAPS will generate the PDF and HTML5 versions of your abstract for publication in the ACM Digital Library. The TAPS-generated PDF of your abstract must be no more than two pages in length, including references.You must deliver your material to TAPS, resolve any formatting issues identified by TAPS or by the proceedings production editor, and approve your material for publication by Friday, 17 May 2024. If you cannot meet that deadline, you will not be allowed to present your material at SIGGRAPH 2024.
Information about the preparation and delivery of your final material to TAPS also can be found at
- In-Person Experience
- If your installation is accepted, you are required to: Attend in-person at SIGGRAPH 2024 in Denver.
- Personnel Support – If your installation is accepted, you are required to have at least one person present at your installation during the published hours of the program to which you are accepted. This is inclusive of staffing your installation during lunch breaks and/or when you may be presenting an Experience Presentation (if applicable). Contributors will be able to take short breaks throughout the day.Travel support is not provided. Limited conference registration is available for selected installation contributors.
- Booth Staffing for Physical Installations Is Required for the Following Conference Hours:
Sunday, 28 July, 1:30–5 pm
Monday, 29 July, 11 am–5 pm
Tuesday, 30 July, 11 am–5 pm
Wednesday, 31 July, 11 am–5 pm
Thursday, 1 August, 11 am–3:30 pm - What’s Provided by SIGGRAPH for Your Installation Space
SIGGRAPH strives to support accepted contributors with the display of installations at the conference. At a base level, SIGGRAPH will provide:- 8’ high black drape on three (3) sides of installation space
- 6’L x 30”H black-skirted table
- Two (2) Chairs
- Wastebasket
- Two (2) 20 AMP Outlet
SIGGRAPH and accepted contributors will work together to determine the exact needs of each installation. SIGGRAPH will try to cover expenses for some additional setup needs, however, for specialized equipment, technology, furnishings, carpeting, or rigging, contributors may need to rent items at a cost.
Note: We encourage you to fit your demo within a 10 x 10 foot area and remember that you are responsible for bringing the equipment (i.e., hardware) needed to run your demo at the conference.
- Shipping of Equipment and Insuring Equipment
If your installation is accepted, you are responsible for bringing or shipping any necessary equipment to Denver before the conference, and you also are responsible for the return shipment of the equipment. Some equipment may be rented at the conference.
- SIGGRAPH Contributor Advertising and Promotion PoliciesSIGGRAPH does not allow advertising or promotion within the conference venues by contributors or in programs other than in the Exhibition, or if it has been previously approved by Exhibition Management, as it is incompatible with our stated mission, disrupts the aesthetics, and is considered an interruption of the attendee’s experience. Conference programs should focus on the presentation and furthering the attendee experience. Any promotion of logos, signs or organizations is not allowed unless previously approved. Because contributors to the conference program are selected through a jury process or curated into the conference, they do not pay for the space allocated and are recognized with SIGGRAPH Conference registrations. SIGGRAPH does provide opportunities to companies who want to promote products in other manners. Inquiries about promotional opportunities can be addressed to
- Presenter RecognitionContributor Registration Benefit: Up to two contributors per accepted installation receives a 100% complimentary Full Conference registration.and
Contributor Registration Benefit: Up to two contributors per accepted installation receives a 100% complimentary Experience registration.
To present your installation at SIGGRAPH 2024 contributors must be registered at the Experience and above registration level.
You will receive an email by early June explaining how to access the registration discount code as well as instructions for registering. The contributors using the discount codes are eligible for the early-bird registration rate regardless of when registration is completed. Any additional contributors that will be attending the Emerging Technologies program are also required to register at the appropriate registration level for the program, and prevailing registration rates will apply.
21 February 2024, 22:00 UTC/GMT
Submission deadline
Early May 2024
Acceptance or rejection notices are sent to all submitters.
10 May 2024
Deadline to make any changes to materials (i.e., approved title changes, contributors names, descriptions) for publication on the website.
17 May 2024
Two-page abstract deadline. If we do not receive your two-page abstract by 17 May, you will not be allowed to present at SIGGRAPH 2024.
26 July 2024
Official publication date for the ACM Digital Library.
26-27 July 2024
Setup of installation
Please Note: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
28 July–1 August 2024
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado